Updated SI prefixes extension: ronto(r), quecto(q), ronna(R), quetta(Q)

Document Type : Review article


1 Acoustics Lab., National Institute of Standards (NIS ). Giza, Egypt

2 1Acoustics Lab., National Institute of Standards (NIS). Giza Egypt.


The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 27th meeting, has introduced new prefixes to SI-units in resolution 3 to cover the very large and tiny measurable units that can be stated on a human size with the aid of SI prefixes (pfxs) while still using SI units. Here are the reasons for the widening of the existing domain of SI prefixes, also suggesting the names and symbols for the multipliers ronna (R, 1027), ronto (r, 10-27), quetta (Q, 1030) and quecto (q, 10-30). It is suggested that there are only potential advantages to broadening the scope of SI prefixes. The new prefixes won't confuse or harm anyone; instead, they will become widely used and familiar among people who require them. However, individuals who don't use them won't ever get familiar with them.
